RoLiNest – a romanian online catalogue

This catalogue is a search and retrieval tool of the bibliographic information present in several university and research Romanian libraries, in some digital and foreign libraries.

„RoLiNeST the national catalogue" had been created in 2005 in the research project NUSIDOC ("Sistem Naţional Unitar de Informare şi Documentare Ştiinţifică şi Tehnică"/"the Unitary National System for Informing and Documenting" that had in view to unify the library systems and included, for the very beginning, the online catalogues of the four Romanian Central University Libraries (from Iaşi, Bucureşti, Cluj and Timișoara) and the one of the Polytechnics University Library in Bucureşti.

It is a search tool based on the web interface in some heterogeneous information resources: from some library catalogues, to data bases or digital periodicals. The search gateway RoLiNeST is based on MetaLib, and application of ExLibris, a company that shares some data bases they distribute, placed on some servers connected to the Internet by RoEduNet. In this system, the libraries update and maintain their own catalogues and the information is retrieved by the user through RoLiNeST, the shared online catalogue. With the help of MetaLib, the users have an easy access to the libraries' collections, may obtain some services adequate to their informing needs and may personalize their working environment. The selection of the search methods and criteria is done through a friendly interface and the search results are presented in an unique form for all the interrogated resources.
