The Coordinations

The Central University Library coordinates and administrates the collections of the libraries of:

Str. Dumbrava Roșie, nr. 7-9, Iași
Tel: 0232 201385
The library included in the evidence of "Mihai Eminescu" Central University Library (CUL) was founded in 1967, having a specialized stock of publications especially for the researchers in the field. The collections, reflecting the following fields: Plant Biology, Botanic Sciences, Ecology, may be referred to only in its own reading room.     

  • The Astronomical Observatory (The Mathematics Department)

Aleea Mihail Sadoveanu, Iași
Tel: 0232 201230

The library in the evidence of "Mihai Eminescu" CUL was founded in 1900, having today 4.000 volumes.
