The access to the scientific databases

The access to the scientific databases is free only on the computer in the net of "Mihai Eminescu" Central University Library and in "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University in Iasi.



SemanticScholar     Persee     coree     base     jurn      econbiz     ceeol          


"Mihai Eminescu" Central University Library (CUL) is a charter member of the Association of the Universities, Research and development institutes and the Central University Libraries in  Romania - ANELIS PLUS, having as its main task the representation of the informing and documenting interests of its members, promoting the knowledge and sustaining the implementing of the educational and research politics by the acquisition of the electronic scientific informative resources designed for the teaching and research activity, in order to meet the increasing informative and documenting needs of the Romanian users.

  • Databases on subscription

1. Fulltext databases/platforms

Elsevier Science Direct - Journals Freedom Collection


User's guide

Elsevier - Science Direct Freedom Collection (subscribed by the UAIC, can be accessed from the UAIC premises and from CUL - the main building)

SpringerLink Journals


User's guide

Springer Nature - SpringerLink Journals (subscribed by the CUL Iasi, can be accessed from CUL - the main building - and from the branches, at the dedicated cumputers)

Wiley Journals


User's guide

Wiley Journals 2021 title list accesible by IP

Wiley Journals 2021 title list with Mobile Access (click on Journal Price Lists, and then choose “Journal title list, Changes and Collections”)

Wiley Journals (subscribed by the CUL Iasi, can be accessed from CUL - the main building - and from the branches, at the dedicated cumputers)

ProQuest Central


User's guide

Proquest - ProQuest Central (subscribed by the CUL Iasi, can be accessed from CUL - the main building - and from the branches, at the dedicated cumputers)


User's guide

Titles in JSTOR Arts & Sciences III Collection

Titles in JSTOR_Language & Literature Collection

JSTOR – Arts & Science and Language & Literature Collections (subscribed by the CUL Iasi, can be accessed from CUL - the main building - and from the branches, at the dedicated cumputers)


CEEOL (subscribed by the CUL Iasi, can be accessed from CUL - the main building - and from the branches, at the dedicated cumputers)

2. Bibliographic and bibliometric databases

Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports, Derwent Innovation Index)


Web of Science User's guide
Journal Citation Reports User's guide
Derwent Innovation Index User's guide

Clarivate Analytics – Web of Science, Journal Scitation Report, Derwent Innovation Index (subscribed by the UAIC, can be accessed from the UAIC premises and from CUL - the main building)



User's guide

Elsevier – Scopus (subscribed by the UAIC, can be accessed from the UAIC premises and from CUL - the main building)

3. Portals for research (in chemistry and mathematics)



User's guide

AMS – MathSciNet (subscribed by the UAIC, can be accessed from the UAIC premises and from CUL - the main building)


User's guide

Elsevier – Reaxys (subscribed by the UAIC, can be accessed from the UAIC premises and from CUL - the main building)
  • Open access databases







Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

Directory of Open Access Repositories (DOAR)
