The reading room book request

  • In order to enter a reading room, the client needs a valid entrance card.
  • There are 6 reading rooms in the headquarters, and 24 in the branch libraries.
  • In the reading rooms may be consulted directly the usual issues; for the rest of the collection, the client must fill out an online request form.
  • In the reading room of the Law library, there are open shelves.
  • The disabled may request for publications only in the reading room of the Philosophy Branch Library.
  • The maximum number of loans in the reading rooms in the head office is 10 in the I/II/III reading room, 10 in the periodical room, 5 in the special collections room and 10 in the branches.
  • The publications may be kept in a reading room for 5 days, with 2 possible extensions.
  • In the branch libraries, the reading room borrowing period is established according to the number of copies and requests for each issue.
  • The access to the scientific databases is free for those with a valid entrance card.

Reading Rooms

Reading Room I

Reading Room I (headquarters, 1st floor, Copou wing, 82 places)

  • This reading room is for all the clients.
  • In this reading room can be accessed in the open shelve the Rotary Club donation.
  • The reading room contains usual publications from all the fields.
  • The readers can access both the usual issues and books requested from the deposit.

Serials Reading Room

Serials Reading Room (headquarters, 1st floor, Păcurari wing, entrance through Loan at home Reading Room/Multimedia Reading Room 30 places)

  • This reading room is for all the clients.
  • In this reading room can be accessed the current periodical issues, usual issues and the issues requested from the general deposit.

Loan at home Reading Room/Multimedia Reading Room

Loan at home Reading Room/Multimedia Reading Room (headquarters, 1st floor, Păcurari wing)

Reading Room II

Reading Room II (headquarters, 2nd floor, Păcurari wing, 70 places)

  • This reading room is for all our clients.
  • In this room there is also "Karl Kurt Klein" European Documentary Centre offering our patrons different publications of the field in a free shelve.
  • In this room there are also available different World Bank publications selected from the general deposit of the library.
  • The patrons have also access to the usual publications and can request books from the general deposit of the library.

Reading Room III

Reading Room III (headquarters, 2nd floor, Copou wing, 48 places)

  • This reading room is for all our clients.
  • In this room, there is a reference collection of humanistic dictionaries and encyclopaedias as usual books.
  • The patrons have also access to the usual publications and can request books from the general deposit of the library.

Special Collections Reading Room

Special Collection Reading Room (headquarters, 2nd floor, Copou wing, with entrance through Reading Room III, 8 seats).

  • This reading room is designed especially to the university teachers, researchers, and doctorate courses students.
  • The other patron categories have access to the collections of albums, printed music, cartographic materials, audio/video documents, electronic resources. The old fund may be accessed only on the basis of a recommendation or a request to the management of the library.
  • The working tools available in this reading room: general and specialized (music, art) encyclopaedias, printed catalogues for the manuscript, old Romanian books, incunabula, old foreign books, bibliophile books in Iaşi libraries and in the other Romanian ones, some editions of old Romanian books and manuscripts, other specialized works.
  • The Special Collections funds can be borrowed only in this special reading room.
  • The maximum number of requests in this reading room is 5/day.
  • In order to protect some documents’ categories there are imposed some special browsing rules:
    • First they are browsed the catalogues for the publications in the general fund.
    • If for the old documents there are also some new editions, they are to be browsed, not the old ones.
    • If there is a microfilm or digital copy of the document, it is to be consulted, in order to protect the original one.


  • Este interzisă consultarea materialului de biblioteca cu mâinile murdare.
  • Este interzisă folosirea stiloului sau pixului pentru a se lua notiţe (este recomandat numai creionul).
  • Este interzisă însemnarea textului, sau luarea de notiţe direct pe paginile materialului consultat.
  • Este interzisă sprijinirea pe materialul de bibliotecă (acest mod de consultare va duce la tensionarea legăturii volumului).
  • Este interzisă atingerea anluminurilor şi a miniaturilor (în cazul manuscriselor).
  • Este interzisă lăsarea deschisă a volumelor atunci când nu se mai consultă.
  • Este interzisă așezarea volumelor deschise unul deasupra celuilalt.
  • În funcţie de starea de conservare, de vechimea şi de raritatea lor, manuscrisele se vor consulta folosind mănuşi (puse la dispoziţie la sala de lectură).

Rules for users
